Snowy Panda

It was snowing when I left for the zoo, but…by the time I got there, it had stopped.  This didn’t, however, mean that there was no snow! Toronto has had a rare thing happen this year: it began to snow at the beginning of the month (itself a rare thing!) and we’ve been getting some more snow since that has actually been accumulating.  In other words, yeah, some winter!!

My intention with this zoo trip was to get snowflakes falling on the otters. Since the snow had stopped, as already mentioned, there was no rush to the otters and since I was walking right by the pandas, well, why not?  It was a cold day and both pandas were inside, each in their separate rooms, munching away on bamboo. Photography was crappy because aside from the low light and reflections in the glass, the glass itself had few areas that were free of condensation.  So I watched for a while and listened while the zoo person talked about panda life with other visitors. I was about to wander off, when the male panda, Da Mao, got up and toddled towards the exit to the outside enclosure. Woohoo. Panda being active (itself an exciting thing), outdoor lighting, snow, panda in snow.

Indoors, munching on bamboo. This was taken through a condensation-free part of the glass and I was able to minimize reflections though they are still there. This was taken at 12,800 ISO, which gives you an idea of light levels.

Da Mao pokes his head outside, unsure of the white stuff covering his outside enclosure.

I hurried outside and a zoo person with a camera followed.  Apparently these pandas have never seen this much snow, so I guess it was a good promotional photo op.  We waited. Then a black and white face poked out of the doorway. It went back inside, then reappeared. The critter stopped at the threshold and pondered the white stuff.  Then he laid down in the doorway. After a few minutes, he got up, went back inside, then came back out, apparently having mustered up some courage because this time he stepped outside. Not so bad, so he took a walk out into his enclosure.  At one point, he seemed to slip and fall in the snow, but gamely pulled himself back onto his feet and continued his walk. Then it was enough, he turned around and went back inside, perhaps to warm up and evaluate his experience.

Curiosity got the best of him, or maybe just a need for fresh air, and he bravely stepped out into the snow.

Whoops! Either a slip or a very short-lived attempt at plopping down into the snow for some frolic or an ill-conceived notion of resting in the snow. Whichever, he was up within seconds.

He continues on with a face full of snow.

He paused here while he considered continuing or going back.

Going back was the decision.

All in all, a brave venture into the unknown. He lived to tell the tale. It would have been interesting to stick around long enough to see how long before he braved the elements again. Maybe he’ll discover, as the polar bears have, that those hills are wintery slides and snow means fun.

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