Photograph your world

Photograph the ordinary and the not-so-ordinary. Document your corner of the world.  You never know how long it will be there! The subject doesn’t have to be the twin towers in order to be worthy of remembrance, documentation, appreciation.

The image to the right is part of a wall that used to be near the St. James Cathedral in downtown Toronto.  Obviously a lot of history is revealed in the peeling paint on the old brick.  It had been there for years, but … I got a new camera and thought I’d reshoot it … and nothing remained but a fresh coating of black paint on cleaned up brick!


 This was taken with a camera phone while inside a car driving down Yonge St (pronounced ‘young’ – had an amusing encounter not long ago with someone visiting).  I wish I had spent more quality time photographing this, but it was an icon, it would always be there, right?  Nope.  This store was opened in 1961 and was THE place to get hard-to-find vinyl. At night, the neon signs were part of the landscape. Then came DVDs and free music downloads and things changed. It was an end to an era, Sam’s declared bankruptcy, the building was sold and on October 4, 2008, those famous signs were lit for the last time. By mid-March of 2009, the building was well on the way to oblivion.

So photograph your world shamelessly! ‘Cause you never know.

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