Another Ice Storm 360

[pano file=” Panorama2_8bit.html”]


[UPDATE] If you tried before and found things slow, could you please try again and see if it’s any peppier for you?  On my side, the Flash is uploading much more quickly – hopefully that is also being seen outside our LAN.

Another 360 pano experiment of the ice storm. This time, I’m tweaking to see if it will work on Firefox as well as Safari and iOS devices, and maybe even Android.

It gets a preliminary woohoo from me, as it works on both Safari and Firefox for me, as well as my iPad and iPhone. For this version, I’ve enabled something called Flash fallback, which is supposed to kick in for those browsers that don’t support this version of HTML5. I’ve also provided versions that are more optimized for iOS, so it loads more quickly. I am noting that the 360 takes a moment to load when viewing with Firefox, so perhaps some future tweaking will further optimize this.

If this doesn’t work for you, pretty please let me know what platform and versions of browsers you are using.

The scene: this is in the Guild Inn park. Behind the tree, the Greek Theatre is visible. This was a tremendously tight space for a tall person such as myself. I couldn’t completely stand upright as the ice was weighing the branches down so heavily that the branches were touching the ground in places and standing up made the branches move, which was a scary thing. I liked the unique vantage point; I didn’t want ice or branches crashing down on me. This tree seems to have survived the ordeal, though others were badly injured. In a few months, pink blossoms will begin making an appearance and the bench will be a welcoming place to bide a while.

If you’ve missed the previous experiments:

Moving your mouse or finger in the image (depending on device) will allow you to move 360 degrees in the image.

Shift and Command keys will allow you to zoom in or out.

UPDATE: I’ve been told so far that Lion and Safari seem to be pretty peppy using this version of the 360, whereas the previous 360s were very slow to load, but Mavericks and Safari are slow to load. Apparently the latter is accessing the Flash version because Mavericks has changed (broke) many things and HTML5 seems to be one of those things.

So next step will be to optimize Flash so it is friendlier.  Thanks so much to those providing feedback.

This is a view of the bench from out from under the ice-clad branches.

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